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Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure

12 Monate

Wichtige Information

Dieses Training behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Examens AZ-800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure

Inhalt des Trainings

In diesem Training erfahren IT-Expert*innen, wie sie zentrale Windows Server-Workloads und -Dienste mithilfe lokaler, hybrider und cloudbasierter Technologien verwalten. In diesem Training erfahren IT-Expert*innen, wie sie lokale und hybride Lösungen (etwa in den Bereichen Identität, Verwaltung, Rechenleistung, Netzwerk und Speicher) in einer Windows Server-Hybridumgebung implementieren und verwalten.


Dieses viertägige Training richtet sich an Windows Server-Hybridadministrator*innen, die Erfahrung mit Windows Server haben und die Funktionen ihrer lokalen Umgebungen erweitern möchten, indem sie lokale und hybride Technologien kombinieren.
Windows Server-Hybridadministrators implementieren und verwalten lokale und hybride Lösungen (etwa in den Bereichen Identität, Verwaltung, Compute, Netzwerk und Speicher) in einer Windows Server-Hybridumgebung.


  • Erfahrung mit der Verwaltung von Windows Server-Betriebssystemen und Windows Server-Workloads in lokalen Szenarios, einschließlich AD DS, DNS, DFS, Hyper-V und Datei-/Speicherdiensten
  • Erfahrung mit allgemeinen Windows Server-Verwaltungstools (impliziert in der ersten Voraussetzung)
  • Grundlegende Kenntnisse der zentralen Compute-, Speicher-, Netzwerk- und Virtualisierungstechnologien von Microsoft (impliziert in der ersten Voraussetzung)
  • Erfahrung und Kenntnisse der wichtigsten Netzwerktechnologien wie IP-Adressierung, Namensauflösung und Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  • Erfahrung im Umgang mit und Kenntnisse zu Microsoft Hyper-V und grundlegenden Servervirtualisierungskonzepten
  • Grundlegende Kenntnisse zur Implementierung und Verwaltung von IaaS-Diensten in Microsoft Azure
  • Grundlegende Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Azure Active Directory
  • Praktische Erfahrung im Umgang mit Windows-Clientbetriebssystemen wie Windows 10 oder Windows 11
  • Grundlegende Erfahrung mit Windows PowerShell


Introduction to AD DS
  • Introduction
  • Define AD DS
  • Define users, groups, and computers
  • Define AD DS forests and domains
  • Define OUs
  • Manage objects and their properties in AD DS
Manage AD DS domain controllers and FSMO roles
  • Introduction
  • Deploy AD DS domain controllers
  • Maintain AD DS domain controllers
  • Manage the AD DS Global Catalog role
  • Manage AD DS operations masters
  • Manage AD DS schema
Implement Group Policy Objects
  • Define GPOs
  • Implement GPO scope and inheritance
  • Define domain-based GPOs
  • Create and configure a domain-based GPO
  • Define GPO storage
  • Define administrative templates
Manage advanced features of AD DS
  • Introduction
  • Create trust relationships
  • Implement ESAE forests
  • Monitor and troubleshoot AD DS
  • Create custom AD DS partitions
Implement hybrid identity with Windows Server
  • Introduction
  • Select an Azure Active Directory integration model
  • Plan for Azure Active Directory integration
  • Prepare on-premises Active Directory for directory synchronization
  • Install and configure directory synchronization with Azure Active Directory Connect
  • Implement Seamless Single Sign-On
  • Enable Azure Active Directory login in for Windows VM in Azure
  • Knowledge check 
  • Describe Azure Active Directory Domain Services
  • Implement and configure Azure Active Directory Domain Services
  • Manage Windows Server 2019 in an Azure Active Directory Domain Services environment
  • Create and configure an Azure Active Directory Domain Services instance
  • Join a Windows Server VM to a managed domain
Deploy and manage Azure IaaS Active Directory domain controllers in Azure
  • Introduction
  • Select an option to implement directory and identity services using Active Directory Domain Services in Azure
  • Deploy and configure Active Directory Domain Services domain controllers in Azure VMs
  • Install a replica Active Directory domain controller in an Azure VM
  • Install a new Active Directory forest on an Azure VNet
Perform Windows Server secure administration
  • Introduction
  • Define least privilege administration
  • Implement delegated privileges
  • Use privileged access workstations
  • Use jump servers
Describe Windows Server administration tools
  • Introduction
  • Explore Windows Admin Center
  • Use Server Manager
  • List Remote Server Administration Tools
  • Use Windows PowerShell
  • Use Windows PowerShell to remotely administer a server
Perform post-installation configuration of Windows Server
  • Introduction
  • List the available post-installation configuration tools
  • Configure Server Core using Sconfig
  • Use DSC to configure Windows Server
  • Perform post-installation configuration with Windows Admin Center
  • Configure a server with answer files
Just Enough Administration in Windows Server
  • Introduction
  • Explain the concept of Just Enough Administration (JEA)
  • Define role capabilities for a JEA endpoint
  • Create a session configuration file to register a JEA endpoint
  • Describe how JEA endpoints work to limit access to a PowerShell session
  • Create and connect to a JEA endpoint
  • Demonstration: Connect to a JEA endpoint
Administer and manage Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machine remotely
  • Introduction
  • Select the appropriate remote administration tool
  • Manage Windows Virtual Machines with Azure Bastion
  • Create an Azure Bastion host
  • Configure just-in-time administration
Manage hybrid workloads with Azure Arc
  • Introduction
  • Describe Azure Arc
  • Onboard Windows Server instances
  • Connect hybrid machines to Azure from the Azure portal
  • Use Azure Arc to manage Windows Server instances
  • Restrict access with RBAC
Configure and manage Hyper-V
  • Introduction
  • Define Hyper-V
  • Define Hyper-V Manager
  • Configure Hyper-V hosts using best practices
  • Configure Hyper-V networking
  • Assess advanced Hyper-V networking features
  • Define nested virtualization
Configure and manage Hyper-V virtual machines
  • Introduction
  • List the virtual machine configuration versions
  • List the virtual machine generation versions
  • List available VHD formats and types
  • Create and configure VMs
  • Determine storage options for VMs
  • Define shared VHDs and VHD Sets
  • Implement guest clusters using shared VHDX
Secure Hyper-V workloads
  • Introduction
  • Define guarded fabric
  • Define the Host Guardian Service
  • Explore TPM-trusted attestation
  • Define KPS
  • Determine key features of shielded VMs
  • Compare encryption-supported and shielded VMs in a guarded fabric
  • Implement a shielded VM
Run containers on Windows Server
  • Introduction
  • Define containers
  • List the differences between containers and VMs
  • Define Windows Server and Hyper-V containers and isolation modes
  • Explore Docker
  • Prepare a Windows Server 2019 host for container deployment
  • Security, Storage, and Networking with Windows containers
Orchestrate containers on Windows Server using Kubernetes
  • Introduction
  • Define orchestration
  • Define Kubernetes
  • Deploy Kubernetes resources
  • Create a Kubernetes cluster on Windows
  • Define Azure Arc
  • Connect an Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster to Azure Arc
Plan and deploy Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines
  • Introduction
  • Describe Azure compute
  • Describe Virtual Machine storage
  • Deploy Azure Virtual Machines
  • Create a windows Virtual Machine using the portal
  • Create a windows Virtual Machine using Azure CLI
  • Deploy Azure Virtual Machines using templates
  • Describe additional management optimization options
Customize Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machine images
  • Introduction
  • Create a generalized image
  • Create a new Virtual Machine from a managed image
  • Create a managed image of a generalized virtual machine in Azure
  • Create a Virtual Machine from a managed image
  • Implement Azure Image Builder
  • Create a windows Virtual Machine using Azure Image Builder template
  • Create a Windows Virtual Machine with Azure Image Builder using PowerShell
Automate the configuration of Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines
  • Introduction
  • Describe Azure Automation
  • Implement Azure Automation with DSC
  • Remediate noncompliant servers
  • Describe Custom Script Extensions
  • Configure a Virtual Machine by using DSC
Deploy and manage DHCP
  • Introduction
  • Use DHCP to simplify IP configurations
  • Install and configure the DHCP role
  • Configure DHCP options
  • Configure DHCP scopes
  • Select DHCP high availability options
  • Implement DHCP Failover
Implement Windows Server DNS
  • Introduction
  • Explore the DNS architecture
  • Work with DNS zones and records
  • Install and configure the DNS role
  • Implement DNS forwarding
Implement IP Address Management
  • Introduction
  • Define IP Address Management
  • Deploy IP Address Management
  • Administer IP Address Management
  • Configure IP Address Management options
  • Manage DNS zones with IP Address Management
  • Manage DHCP servers with IP Address Management
  • Use IP Address Management to manage IP addressing
Implement remote access
  • Introduction
  • Examine the remote access options in Windows Server
  • Select and set up VPNs
  • Use NPS to create and enforce network access policies
  • Plan and implement NPS
  • Deploy a PKI for remote access
  • Use WAP as a reverse web proxy
Implement hybrid network infrastructure
  • Introduction
  • Describe Azure network topologies
  • Implement Azure VPN options
  • Create a route-based VPN gateway using the Azure portal
  • Implement Azure ExpressRoute
  • Configure Azure Virtual WAN
  • Implement DNS in hybrid environments
Implement DNS for Windows Server IaaS VMs
  • Introduction
  • Understand Azure DNS
  • Implement Azure DNS
  • Create an Azure DNS zone and record using the Azure portal
  • Implement DNS with Azure IaaS virtual machines
  • Implement split-horizon DNS in Azure
  • Troubleshoot DNS
Implement Windows Server IaaS VM IP addressing and routing
  • Introduction
  • Implement a virtual network
  • Implement IaaS VM IP addressing
  • Assign and manage IP addresses
  • Configure a private IP address for a virtual machine using the Azure portal
  • Create a virtual machine with a static public IP address using the Azure portal
  • Implement IaaS virtual machine IP routing
  • Implement IPv6 for Windows Server IaaS virtual machines
Manage Windows Server file servers
  • Introduction
  • Define the Windows Server file system
  • List the benefits and uses of File Server Resource Manager
  • Define SMB and its security considerations
  • Configure SMB protocol
  • Define Volume Shadow Copy Service
Implement Storage Spaces and Storage Spaces Direct
  • Introduction
  • Define the Storage Spaces architecture and its components
  • List the functionalities, benefits, and use cases of Storage Spaces
  • Implement Storage Spaces
  • List the functionalities, components, benefits, and use cases of Storage Spaces Direct
  • Implement Storage Spaces Direct
Implement Windows Server Data Deduplication
  • Define the architecture, components, and functionality of Data Deduplication
  • Define the use cases and interoperability of Data Deduplication
  • Implement Data Deduplication
  • Manage and maintain Data Deduplication
Implement Windows Server iSCSI
  • Introduction
  • List the functionalities, components, and use cases of iSCSI
  • List the considerations for implementing iSCSI
  • Implement iSCSI
  • Configure high availability for iSCSI
Implement Windows Server Storage Replica
  • Introduction
  • List the functionalities and components of Storage Replica
  • Examine the prerequisites for implementing Storage Replica
  • Implement Storage Replica by using Windows Admin Center
  • Implement Storage Replica by using Windows PowerShell
Implement a hybrid file server infrastructure
  • Introduction
  • Describe Azure File services
  • Configure Azure Files
  • Configure connectivity to Azure Files
  • Describe Azure File Sync
  • Implement Azure File Sync
  • Deploy Azure File Sync
  • Deploy Azure File Sync 
  • Manage cloud tiering
  • Migrate from DFSR to Azure File Sync5
  • Knowledge check

Trainings zur Vorbereitung


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    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  2.615,-
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  • 21.10.-24.10.2024 21.10.2024 4T 4 Tage Raaba Online
    ETC Graz · Dietrich Keller Straße 24 / 8 OG, 8074 Raaba Uhrzeiten
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  • 21.10.-24.10.2024 21.10.2024 4T 4 Tage Attnang-Puchheim Online
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  • 03.02.-06.02.2025 03.02.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
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  • 22.04.-25.04.2025 22.04.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
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  • 21.07.-24.07.2025 21.07.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
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  • 20.10.-23.10.2025 20.10.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  2.615,-
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    • Preis  2.450,-
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8 Bewertungen

  • 30.05.2023

    Sehr guter Trainer!!! Ressourcen in den Azure Laps haben öfter etwas länger benötigt bis diese Verfügbar waren. Interessante Themen leider nur 4 Tage.

    — Martin M.

    Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure


    Sehr guter Trainer!!! Ressourcen in den Azure Laps haben öfter etwas länger benötigt bis diese Verfügbar waren. Interessante Themen leider nur 4 Tage.

    — Martin M.
  • 05.10.2022

    War ein super Kurs.

    — Christian W.

    Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure


    War ein super Kurs.

    — Christian W.
  • 25.05.2022

    Optimale Kombination von On-Premises Windows Server Technologie mit den Microsoft Azure Diensten

    — Florian S.

    Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure


    Optimale Kombination von On-Premises Windows Server Technologie mit den Microsoft Azure Diensten

    — Florian S.

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