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Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution

12 Monate

Wichtige Information

Dieses Training behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Examen AI-102 Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution

Inhalt des Trainings

„AI-102 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution“ ist für Softwareentwickler*innen gedacht, die KI-basierte Anwendungen entwickeln möchten, die Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search und Microsoft Bot Framework nutzen.
In diesem Training wird C# oder Python als Programmiersprache verwendet.


Softwareentwickler*innen, die am Kompilieren, Verwalten und Bereitstellen von KI-Lösungen interessiert sind, die Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search und Microsoft Bot Framework nutzen.
Sie sind mit C# oder Python vertraut und verfügen über Kenntnisse in der Verwendung von REST-basierten APIs zum Kompilieren von maschinellem Sehen, Sprachanalyse, Wissensbeschaffung, intelligenter Suche und Konversations-KI-Lösungen in Azure.


  • Kenntnisse über Microsoft Azure und die Fähigkeit zum Navigieren im Azure-Portal
  • Kenntnisse über C# oder Python
  • Erfahrung mit JSON- und REST-Programmiersemantik


Prepare to develop AI solutions on Azure
  • Define artificial intelligence
  • Understand AI-related terms
  • Understand considerations for AI Engineers
  • Understand considerations for responsible AI
  • Understand capabilities of Azure Machine Learning
  • Understand capabilities of Azure AI Services
  • Understand capabilities of the Azure OpenAI Service
  • Understand capabilities of Azure Cognitive Search
Create and consume Azure AI services
  • Provision an Azure AI services resource
  • Identify endpoints and keys
  • Use a REST API
  • Use an SDK
Secure Azure AI services
  • Consider authentication
  • Implement network security
Monitor Azure AI services
  • Introduction
  • Monitor cost
  • Create alerts
  • View metrics
  • Manage diagnostic logging
Deploy Azure AI services in containers
  • Introduction
  • Understand containers
  • Use Azure AI services containers
Analyze images
  • Introduction
  • Provision an Azure AI Vision resource
  • Analyze an image
  • Generate a smart-cropped thumbnail and remove background
Classify images
  • Provision Azure resources for Azure AI Custom Vision
  • Understand image classification
  • Train an image classifier
Detect, analyze, and recognize faces
  • Introduction
  • Identify options for face detection analysis and identification
  • Understand considerations for face analysis
  • Detect faces with the Azure AI Vision service
  • Understand capabilities of the face service
  • Compare and match detected faces
  • Implement facial recognition
Read Text in images and documents with the Azure AI Vision Service
  • Explore Azure AI Vision options for reading text
  • Use the Read API
Analyze video
  • Understand Azure Video Indexer capabilities
  • Extract custom insights
  • Use Video Analyzer widgets and APIs
Analyze text with Azure AI Language
  • Provision an Azure AI Language resource
  • Detect language
  • Extract key phrases
  • Analyze sentiment
  • Extract entities
  • Extract linked entities
Build a question answering solution
  • Understand question answering
  • Compare question answering to Azure AI Language understanding
  • Create a knowledge base
  • Implement multi-turn conversation
  • Test and publish a knowledge base
  • Use a knowledge base
  • Improve question answering performance
Build a conversational language understanding model
  • Understand prebuilt capabilities of the Azure AI Language service
  • Understand resources for building a conversational language understanding model
  • Define intents, utterances, and entities
  • Use patterns to differentiate similar utterances
  • Use pre-built entity components
  • Train, test, publish, and review a conversational language understanding model
Create a custom text classification solution
  • Understand types of classification projects
  • Understand how to build text classification projects
Custom named entity recognition
  • Understand custom named entity recognition
  • Label your data
  • Train and evaluate your model
Translate text with Azure AI Translator service
  • Provision an Azure AI Translator resource
  • Understand language detection, translation, and transliteration
  • Specify translation options
  • Define custom translations
Create speech-enabled apps with Azure AI services
  • Provision an Azure resource for speech
  • Use the Azure AI Speech to Text API
  • Use the text to speech API
  • Configure audio format and voices
  • Use Speech Synthesis Markup Language
Translate speech with the Azure AI Speech service
  • Provision an Azure resource for speech translation
  • Translate speech to text
  • Synthesize translations
Create an Azure AI Search solution
  • Manage capacity
  • Understand search components
  • Understand the indexing process
  • Search an index
  • Apply filtering and sorting
  • Enhance the index
Create a custom skill for Azure AI Search
  • Create a custom skill
  • Add a custom skill to a skillset
Create a knowledge store with Azure AI Search
  • Define projections
  • Define a knowledge store
Plan an Azure AI Document Intelligence solution
  • Understand AI Document Intelligence
  • Plan Azure AI Document Intelligence resources
  • Choose a model type
Use prebuilt Form Recognizer models
  • Introduction
  • Understand prebuilt models
  • Use the General Document, Read, and Layout models
  • Use financial, ID, and tax models
Extract data from forms with Azure Document Intelligence
  • What is Azure Document Intelligence?
  • Get started with Azure Document Intelligence
  • Train custom models
  • Use Azure Document Intelligence models
  • Use the Azure Document Intelligence Studio
Get started with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Introduction
  • Access Azure OpenAI Service
  • Use Azure OpenAI Studio
  • Explore types of generative AI models
  • Deploy generative AI models
  • Use prompts to get completions from models
  • Test models in Azure OpenAI Studio's playgrounds
Build natural language solutions with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Integrate Azure OpenAI into your app
  • Use Azure OpenAI REST API
  • Use Azure OpenAI SDK
Apply prompt engineering with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Understand prompt engineering
  • Write more effective prompts
  • Provide context to improve accuracy
Generate code with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Construct code from natural language
  • Complete code and assist the development process
  • Fix bugs and improve your code
Generate images with Azure OpenAI Service
  • What is DALL-E?
  • Explore DALL-E in Azure OpenAI Studio
  • Use the Azure OpenAI REST API to consume DALL-E models
Implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Understand Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Add your own data source
  • Chat with your model using your own data
Fundamentals of Responsible Generative AI
  • Plan a responsible generative AI solution
  • Identify potential harms
  • Measure potential harms
  • Mitigate potential harms
  • Operate a responsible generative AI solution

Trainings zur Vorbereitung


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  • 26.08.-29.08.2024 26.08.2024 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
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    • Preis  2.920,-
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      • Online
  • 18.11.-21.11.2024 18.11.2024 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
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    • Preis  2.920,-
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  • 28.01.-31.01.2025 28.01.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
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    • Preis  2.920,-
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  • 03.03.-06.03.2025 03.03.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
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    • Preis  2.920,-
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  • 14.04.-17.04.2025 14.04.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
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    • Preis  2.920,-
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  • 19.05.-22.05.2025 19.05.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
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    • Preis  2.920,-
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  • 22.07.-25.07.2025 22.07.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
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    • Preis  2.920,-
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  • 18.08.-21.08.2025 18.08.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
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    • Preis  2.920,-
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  • 21.10.-24.10.2025 21.10.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
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    • Preis  2.920,-
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  • 17.11.-20.11.2025 17.11.2025 4T 4 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.085,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
    • Preis  2.920,-
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      • Online

Preise exkl. MwSt.

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1 Bewertung

  • 07.01.2023

    Ein toller, engagierter und enthusiastischer Trainer ... da nimmt man den Inhalt echt gut auf.

    — Bernd S.

    Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution


    Ein toller, engagierter und enthusiastischer Trainer ... da nimmt man den Inhalt echt gut auf.

    — Bernd S.

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