Microsoft Power Platform Developer

12 Monate

Wichtige Information

Dieses Training behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Exam PL-400: Microsoft Power Platform Developer

Um während des Trainings an den Übungen teilnehmen zu können, ist eine Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung (MFA) erforderlich. Dafür benötigen Sie ein Mobiltelefon und eine Authentifizierungs-App. Wir empfehlen die kostenlose Microsoft Mobile Phone Authenticator App.
Download Microsoft Mobile Phone Authenticator App
Set up your Microsoft 365 sign-in for multi-factor authentication

Inhalt des Trainings

Mithilfe von Microsoft Power Platform können Organisationen ihre Abläufe optimieren, indem sie Geschäftsaufgaben und -prozesse vereinfachen, automatisieren und transformieren.
In diesem Training erfahren die Trainingsteilnehmer*innen, wie Sie Power Apps erstellen, Abläufe automatisieren und die Plattform erweitern, um Geschäftsanforderungen zu erfüllen und komplexe Geschäftsprobleme zu lösen.


Kandidat*innen für diesen Training entwerfen, entwickeln und schützen Power Platform-Lösungen und kümmern sich um die Behandlung entsprechender Probleme. Die Kandidat*innen implementieren die Komponenten einer Lösung, zu denen Anwendungserweiterungen, individuelle Benutzererlebnisse, Systemintegrationen, Datenkonvertierungen, benutzerdefinierte Prozessautomatisierung und benutzerdefinierte Visualisierungen gehören. Den Kandidat*innen werden praktische Kenntnisse zu Power Platform-Diensten vermittelt – einschließlich eines umfassenden Verständnisses der Funktionen, Grenzen und Einschränkungen.
Kandidat*innen müssen über Entwicklungserfahrung in folgenden Bereichen verfügen: JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, .NET, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, RESTful Web Services, ASP.NET und Power BI.


  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • TypeScript
  • C#, HTML
  • .NET, Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft 365
  • RESTful Web Services
  • ASP.NET und
  • Power BI


How to build your first model-driven app with Dataverse
  • Introduction to model-driven apps
  • Model-driven apps, powered by Microsoft Dataverse
  • Explore sample apps
Get started with model-driven apps in Power Apps
  • Introducing model-driven apps
  • Components of model-driven apps
  • Design model-driven apps
Manage tables in Dataverse
  • Identify tables and table types in Dataverse
  • Create a custom table
  • Enable attachments within a table
  • Licensing requirements for each table type
  • Lab - Create a new custom table and enable attachments
Create and manage columns within a table in Dataverse
  • Define columns in Microsoft Dataverse
  • Column types in Microsoft Dataverse
  • Add a column to a table
  • Create a primary name column
  • Restrictions that apply to columns in a table
  • Create an auto numbering column
  • Create an alternate key
Working with choices in Dataverse
  • Define choice column
  • Standard choices column
  • Lab - Create a new choice or modify an existing choice
Create a relationship between tables in Dataverse
  • Relate one or more tables - Introduction
  • Relationship types that are available in Microsoft Dataverse
  • Create a one-to-many relationship between tables
  • Create a many-to-many relationship between tables
  • Edit or delete relationships
Define and create business rules in Dataverse
  • Define business rules - Introduction
  • Define the components of a business rule
  • Create a business rule
Create and define calculation or rollup columns in Dataverse
  • Introduction to rollup columns
  • Create a rollup column
  • Introduction to calculation columns
  • Create a calculation column
Get started with security roles in Dataverse
  • Introduction to environment roles
  • Understand environment roles
  • Adding or disabling an environment user
  • Understand security concepts in Dataverse
  • Understand user security roles and security role defaults
  • Exercise - Create a custom role
  • Check the roles that a user belongs to
  • Configure Dataverse teams for security
  • Configure Dataverse group teams for security
Get started with Power Apps canvas apps
  • Introduction to Power Apps
  • Power Apps building blocks
  • Exercise - Create your first app in Power Apps
  • Ways to build Power Apps
  • Power Apps related technologies
  • Additional Power Apps related technologies
  • Designing a Power Apps app
Customize a canvas app in Power Apps
  • Improve apps by making basic customizations in Power Apps
  • Create a navigation model for your canvas app
  • Explore screens and controls in Power Apps
Manage apps in Power Apps
  • Power Apps review
Navigation in a canvas app in Power Apps
  • Understanding navigation
  • The navigation and back function
  • Lab - Create navigation functions
  • More ways to use the navigation function
How to build the UI in a canvas app in Power Apps
  • Use themes to quickly change the appearance of your app
  • Branding a control
  • Icons
  • Images
  • Personalization
  • Using the tablet or phone form factors
Use and understand Controls in a canvas app in Power Apps
  • Introduction to controls
  • Core properties of controls
  • Entering and displaying data with text controls
  • Additional controls for enhancing your app's usability
  • Media
  • Lab - Create a canvas app with unique controls
Document and test your Power Apps application
  • Create test plans
  • User interface testing
  • Performance optimization
  • Diagnostics and analytics
  • Documentation and the customer
Use imperative development techniques for canvas apps in Power Apps
  • Imperative versus declarative development
  • The three types of variables in Power Apps
  • Global variables
  • Contextual variables
  • Collections
  • Additional variable concepts
Create formulas that use tables, records, and collections in a canvas app in Power Apps
  • Formulas that process multiple records
  • Math operations on tables
  • Combine and separate records
  • The ForAll function
  • Lab - Using the ForAll function in a gallery
Perform custom updates in a Power Apps canvas app
  • Sometimes you need something more than forms
  • Using the Patch function to create and edit records
  • Deleting record(s) from data sources and collections
  • Using Patch function to update a Gallery
Complete testing and performance checks in a Power Apps canvas app
  • The importance of thinking about performance
  • Improve performance with data sources
  • Testing and troubleshooting your app
Work with relational data in a Power Apps canvas app
  • Work with relationships in Power Apps
  • Microsoft Dataverse for apps makes relationships even easier
Work with data source limits (delegation limits) in a Power Apps canvas app
  • Delegation overview
  • Functions, predicates, and data sources combine to determine delegation
  • Delegation warnings, limits, and non-delegable functions
Connect to other data in a Power Apps canvas app
  • Overview of the different data sources
  • Work with action-based data sources
  • Power Automate is a companion to Power Apps
Use custom connectors in a Power Apps canvas app
  • Overview of custom connectors
  • Overview of the custom connector lifecycle
  • Use postman for your custom connector
Get started with Power Automate
  • Introducing Power Automate
  • Troubleshoot flows
Build approval flows with Power Automate
  • Provide solutions to real-world scenarios
Introduction to expressions in Power Automate
  • Introduction to expressions
  • Get started with expressions
  • Notes make things easier
  • Types of functions
  • Write complex expressions
Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform developer resources
  • Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform for Developers
  • Overview of Microsoft Dataverse and the Common Data Model
  • Extending Power Platform with Azure
Use developer tools to extend Microsoft Power Platform
  • Introduction to developer Microsoft Power Platform tooling
  • Solutions overview
  • Deploy apps with Package Deployer
Introduction to extending Microsoft Power Platform
  • Introduction
  • User experience extensibility
  • Microsoft Dataverse extensibility
  • Determine when to configure or when to code
Introduction to Dataverse for developers
  • Introduction to developing with Microsoft Dataverse
  • Microsoft Dataverse extensibility model
  • Event framework
Extend plug-ins
  • Introduction to Plug-ins
  • Plug-ins usage scenarios
  • Custom workflow extensions
  • Plug-in execution context
Performing common actions with client script
  • Introduction to client-side scripting
  • Upload scripts
  • Event handlers
  • Context objects
  • Client scripting common tasks
Automate business process flows with client script
  • Introduction to conducting global operations with the client API Xrm object
  • Client scripting best practices
  • Debugging client script
Get started with Power Apps component framework
  • Introduction to Power Apps component framework
  • Power Apps component framework architecture
  • Power Apps component tooling
  • Demo of Power Apps code component
Build a Power Apps component
  • Introduction to creating a code component
  • Create a code component solution package
  • Test and debug code components
Use advanced features with Power Apps component framework
  • Introduction to using React within a Power Apps component
  • Use the formatting API in a Power Apps component
  • Use the Microsoft Dataverse web API in a Power Apps component
  • Write a pop-up Power Apps component
Work with Dataverse Web API
  • Introduction to the Microsoft Dataverse Web API
  • Authenticate against Microsoft Dataverse by using OAuth
  • Interact with Microsoft Dataverse Web API by using Postman
  • Use OData to query data
  • Use FetchXML to query data
  • Call Power Automate actions from the Web API
  • Use the Web API to impersonate another user
  • Track entity data changes with change tracking and the Web API
Integrate Dataverse Azure solutions
  • Microsoft Dataverse Azure Solutions overview
  • Expose Microsoft Dataverse data to Azure Service Bus
  • Write a Service Bus Event Listener that consumes Microsoft Dataverse messages
  • Publish Microsoft Dataverse events with webhooks
  • Write an Azure Function that processes Microsoft Dataverse events


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  • 25.11.-29.11.2024 25.11.2024 5T 5 Tage Online
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6 Bewertungen

  • 27.11.2023

    Die Vortragende war sehr mitreißend und hat die Inhalte gut und interaktiv aufbereitet

    — Lukas E.

    Microsoft Power Platform Developer


    Die Vortragende war sehr mitreißend und hat die Inhalte gut und interaktiv aufbereitet

    — Lukas E.
  • 17.11.2023

    Super Trainerin. Hat die Themen absolut toll rübergebracht!

    — Michael P.

    Microsoft Power Platform Developer


    Super Trainerin. Hat die Themen absolut toll rübergebracht!

    — Michael P.
  • 04.09.2023

    sehr gut

    — Andreas R.

    Microsoft Power Platform Developer


    sehr gut

    — Andreas R.

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