Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance

12 Monate

Wichtige Information

Dieses Trainings behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Microsoft Examen:
MB-310 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance

Inhalt des Trainings

Dieses Training behandelt die finanziellen Aspekte von Dynamics 365: Konfigurieren und Verwenden wesentlicher Finanzkomponenten, Kreditorenbuchhaltung, Debitorenbuchhaltung, Inkasso, Budgetierung, Anlagevermögen und zusätzliche Funktionen


Zu den Aufgaben des Dynamics 365-Modulbetreuers für den Kundendialog gehören Netzwerksuche, Erfassen von Bedürfnissen, die Einbeziehung von Fachexperten und Stakeholdern, das Übersetzen von Bedürfnissen, sowie Lösungen und Anwendungen zu konfigurieren. Der Functional Consultant implementiert eine Lösung unter Verwendung von standardisierten Funktionen, codeloser Erweiterbarkeit, Anwendungs- und Service-Integrationen.


  • Grundkenntnisse in der Buchhaltung
  • Kernkompetenzen in Dynamics 365 Core


Get started with Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Benefits of Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Overview
  • General ledger
  • Cash and bank management
  • Tax
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts receivable
  • Credit and collections
  • Budgeting
  • Fixed assets
  • Cost accounting
  • Electronic invoicing
Configure currencies in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Set up currencies and conversions
  • Configure and import currency exchange rates
Create fiscal calendars, years, and periods in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Fiscal calendars, fiscal years, and periods
  • Create fiscal calendars, years and periods
  • Select a fiscal calendar
  • Define budget cycle time spans
  • Maintain periods for your organization
  • Create date intervals
Configure chart of accounts in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Plan your chart of accounts
  • Multiple chart of accounts
  • Set up chart of accounts
  • Main account categories
  • Main account information
  • Allocation terms
  • Main account validation options
  • Main account closing options
  • Financial tags
  • Accounts for automatic transactions
  • Define and configure financial dimensions
  • Create a custom financial dimension
  • Create an entity-backed financial dimension
  • Activate and delete financial dimensions
  • Default dimension values
  • Derived dimensions
  • Configure financial dimension templates and sets
  • Define and configure account structures and advanced rules
  • Ledger account aliases
Set up ledgers and journals in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Understand the different types of journals and their setup
  • Describe use cases for periodic journals
  • Configure ledger and journal setup
  • Discover options for implementing voucher numbers in journals
  • Set up journal approvals
  • Configure and use journals
  • Reverse journal posting
  • Set up batch transfer rules
Perform general ledger daily procedures in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Using balance control accounts
  • Process a journal entry
  • Work with general ledger processes
  • Ledger settlements
  • Create templates to edit journals in Microsoft Excel
  • Create voucher templates
  • Set up journal controls
Perform general ledger daily procedures in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Using balance control accounts
  • Process a journal entry
  • Work with general ledger processes
  • Ledger settlements
  • Create templates to edit journals in Microsoft Excel
  • Create voucher templates
  • Set up journal controls
Intercompany accounting in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Set up intercompany accounting
  • Post intercompany journals
  • Trace an intercompany entry
Configure ledger allocations and accruals in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure and apply accrual schemes
  • Configure ledger allocation rules
Configure and perform periodic processes in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Set up the Financial period workspace and closing schedule
  • Bank reconciliations
  • Year-end 1099 reporting
  • Run foreign currency revaluation processes
  • Process end of year close
  • Perform financial consolidations
Work with analytics and reporting in finance and operations apps
  • Understand different types of reports and inquiries
  • Financial reporting
  • Find inquiries and reports
  • Generate and consume inquiries and reports
  • Configure finance and operations apps for Microsoft Power Platform
Configure cash and bank management in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Understand bank transaction types and groups
  • Set up cash and bank management parameters
  • Set up the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debit mandate
  • Set up International Bank Account Number (IBAN) structures
  • Configure banks and bank check layout
  • Set up bank accounts for customers
  • Set up bank accounts for vendors
  • Deposit and refund checks
  • Understand cash flow forecast and reports
  • Configure cash flow forecasting
Configure taxes in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure ledger posting groups
  • Configure sales tax authorities
  • Configure sales tax settlement periods
  • Create sales tax codes
  • Configure sales tax groups and item sales tax groups
  • Withholding tax
  • Sales tax exemption
  • Conditional sales tax
  • Sales tax on transactions
  • Set up sales tax reporting codes
  • Prepare periodic filings
  • Check your knowledge
Perform accounts receivable daily procedures in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Create free text invoices
  • Recurring free text invoices
  • Create and handle payments of customer invoices for sales orders
  • Settle transactions and undo settlements
  • Revenue recognition overview
  • Define revenue schedules
  • Define revenue prices
  • Set up bundle items
Set up credit and collections in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Set up accounts receivables for credit and collections
  • Set up credit and collections components
  • Set up interest rates for an interest code
  • Waive, reinstate, or reverse interest fees
  • Set up and manage collection letters
Process credit and collections in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Customer account statement
  • Working with collections
  • Manage customer credit and collections
  • Credit management
Configure Accounts payable in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Configure the payment schedule
  • Configure terms of payment and payment days
  • Configure cash discounts
  • Set up payment fees
  • Create vendor groups
  • Set up accounts payable posting profiles
  • Create vendors
  • Set up methods of payment for vendors
  • Set up electronic payment formats
  • Configure accounts payable charges
  • Configure and use positive pay
Perform Accounts payable daily procedures in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Understand invoice types in Accounts payable
  • Incoming invoice payments
  • Record vendor invoices
  • Modify due dates and discount dates
  • Work with cash discounts from vendors
  • Create vendor payments
  • Reverse a vendor payment
  • Manage prepayments and prepayment invoices
Work with accounting distributions, invoice validations and settlements in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Settle transactions and undo settlements
  • Distribute funds by using accounting distributions
  • Configure invoice validation policies
  • Three-way matching policies
  • Accounts payable invoice matching
  • Invoice totals matching
  • Two-way, price totals matching
  • Two-way, net unit price matching
  • Three-way matching
  • Vendor invoice workflow
  • Charges matching
Get started with Expense management in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
  • Plan expense management
  • Intercompany expenses
  • Financial management
  • Per diems
  • Journals and accounts
  • Payment methods
  • Taxes
  • Policies
  • Expense categories and shared categories
  • Map expense categories to a main account
Set up and configure Expense management in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
  • Expense management workspace
  • Expense management parameters
  • Expense management workflows
  • Expense report policies and per diem rules
  • Evaluate policies by using Audit workbench cases
  • Set up mileage expense options
  • Intercompany expenses
  • Personal expenses on an expense report
  • Set up credit card transaction processing and import credit transactions
  • Expense receipt processing
  • VAT recovery
Create and process expense reports in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
  • Create an expense report
  • Intercompany expenses
  • Itemize expenses by line
  • Distribute an expense
  • Add guests
Work with travel requisitions in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
  • Create a travel requisition
  • Exercise - Create a travel requisition
  • Approve a travel requisition
  • Create a cash advance
  • Update a cash advance
Configure and use basic budgeting and budget control in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Planning for basic budgeting and budget control
  • Budgeting methodologies
  • Basic budgeting overview
  • Configure basic budgeting
  • Use workspaces and inquiry pages to track budget vs. actuals
  • Budget control overview
  • Configure budget control
  • Configure budget control (cont.)
  • Create and manage budget register entries
  • Use inquires and reports for budget analysis
  • Implement a budget register workflow
Configure fixed assets management in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Fixed assets and current assets
  • Accounting for fixed assets
  • Relationships between fixed assets components
  • Configure fixed assets components
  • Derived books
  • Enable fixed asset integration
  • Fixed asset transaction options
  • Demonstration - Create a fixed asset
Manage fixed assets in Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Scenario - customer requirements for fixed assets
  • Set up and create fixed assets
  • Set up acquisitions
  • Acquire assets through procurement
  • Manual and automatic methods to create fixed assets
  • Transfer a fixed asset
  • Set up fixed asset groups
  • Split a fixed asset
  • Update fixed asset information
  • Fixed assets roll forward report
  • Depreciation
  • Dispose and lend fixed assets
  • Sell a fixed asset by using a free text invoice
  • Dispose of fixed assets as scrap
  • Estimate and eliminate a project to a fixed asset
  • Asset budgeting


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  • 12.08.-15.08.2024 12.08.2024 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.795,-
      • Online
  • 04.11.-07.11.2024 04.11.2024 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.795,-
      • Online
  • 17.02.-20.02.2025 17.02.2025 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.795,-
      • Online
  • 12.05.-15.05.2025 12.05.2025 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.795,-
      • Online
  • 04.08.-07.08.2025 04.08.2025 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.795,-
      • Online
  • 03.11.-06.11.2025 03.11.2025 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.795,-
      • Online

Preise exkl. MwSt.

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