Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

12 Monate

Inhalt des Trainings

„Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service“ bietet jeder Organisation die Möglichkeit auf Kundenerfolg.  Tools wie die automatische Fallerstellung und die Warteschlangenverwaltung machen es Ihnen möglich, Ihre Zeit dort zu investieren, wo Sie größeren Einfluss haben – direkt bei Ihren Kund*innen. Werden Sie Teil eines Teams weltweit anerkannter Expert*innen, die Sie ausführlich von der Fallerstellung über die Interaktion mit Kund*innen bis hin zum Lösen dieser Fälle begleiten.  Sobald Sie diese Fälle gelöst haben, können Sie anhand der Datenanalyse die wichtigsten Details lernen, die Ihnen helfen, ähnliche Fälle schneller zu lösen oder neue Probleme ganz zu vermeiden.


Zu den Aufgaben des Dynamics 365-Modulbetreuers für den Kundendialog gehören Netzwerksuche, Erfassen von Bedürfnissen, die Einbeziehung von Fachexperten und Stakeholdern, das Übersetzen von sowie Lösungen und Anwendungen zu konfigurieren. Der/die Functional Consultant*in implementiert eine Lösung unter Verwendung von standardisierten Funktionen, codeloser Erweiterbarkeit, Anwendungs- und Service-Integrationen.


Dieses Training richtet sich an Functional Consultants, die mit Dynamics 365 Customer Service arbeiten, oder an Functional Consultants, die mit anderen Dynamics 365-Anwendungen arbeiten und ihr Customer Service-Wissen erweitern möchten.


Get started with Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Introducing Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Customer Service core components
  • Understand the modern customer journey
Managing cases with Dynamics 365 Customer Service Hub
  • Case management overview
  • Case creation and lifecycle
  • Considerations for case creation automation
  • Exercise - Create and resolve cases10 min
  • Case management scenarios
  • Case management dashboard scenarios
  • Case management work with cases scenarios
  • Work with status reason transitions
Use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service queues to manage case workloads
  • Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics 365 queues
  • Configure tables for queues
  • Create a Microsoft Dynamics 365 queue
  • Work with queues
  • Routing rule sets
Create or update records automatically in Customer Service Hub
  • Introduction
  • Set up rules to create or update records automatically
  • Configure rules for creating or updating records automatically
  • Map records manually with Power Automate
  • Complete and activate your rule
  • Use the activity monitor to review and track rules
Get started with unified routing for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Route cases by using basic routing rule sets
  • Set up unified routing
  • Create and manage users
  • Create and manage queues for unified routing
  • Set up workstreams for record routing
Create and manage entitlements in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Overview of entitlements
  • Create entitlement records
  • Work with entitlement channels
  • Other considerations
  • Define entitlement templates
Create knowledge management solutions in Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Knowledge management overview
  • Create and define knowledge articles
  • Knowledge article lifecycle
  • Manage knowledge article versions, categories, and translations
  • Knowledge article publication
Use knowledge articles to resolve Dynamics 365 Customer Service cases
  • Knowledge article and case resolution overview
  • Enable and configure entities for Knowledge Search
  • Configure article search and display options
  • Search for knowledge articles
  • Article analytics
Create a survey project with Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
  • Projects in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
  • Create your first project
Create customer surveys with Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
  • Survey headers and branding
  • Add branching logic to surveys
  • Personalize a survey with variables
  • Add satisfaction metrics to a survey and project
  • Add multiple languages for your surveys
Send Dynamics 365 Customer Voice surveys
  • Create and personalize email templates
  • Translate email templates into other languages
  • Email a survey
  • Upload CSV files
  • Use links and QR codes
  • Analyze survey reports
Automate Dynamics 365 Customer Voice surveys with Power Automate
  • Send a survey with Power Automate
  • Create an invitation
  • Expand variables to further customize surveys
  • Use the locale variable for multilingual surveys
  • Use variables for follow-up actions
Set up Customer Service scheduling
  • Set up service scheduling
  • Define resources
  • Check your knowledge
Schedule services with Customer Service scheduling
  • Set up fulfillment preferences
  • Create service activities
  • Schedule service activities
Enhance agent productivity with Customer Service workspace
  • Explore the Customer Service workspace user interface
  • View and edit records
  • Work with case records
  • Use the Productivity pane in Customer Service workspace
Create custom experiences for agents with agent experience profiles in Customer Service
  • Create and use agent experience profiles to manage apps
  • Application tab templates
  • Session templates
  • Manage notification settings and templates
  • Use templates in workstreams
Getting started with Omnichannel for Customer Service
  • Use the agent interface
  • Manage sessions and work with applications
  • Work with conversations
  • Work with customer information
  • Helping an agent's productivity
  • Helping an agent's productivity
Route and distribute work with unified routing in Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Set up work classification
  • Route items to queues
  • Set up work assignments in queues
  • Get started with intelligent routing
  • Diagnostics
Deploy an SMS channel in Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Configure phone numbers and messaging accounts
  • Configure SMS workstream
  • Configure SMS workstream options
  • Route SMS conversations
  • Configure Additional Settings
Deploy chat widgets with Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Set up a workstream for chat
  • Create a chat channel
  • Allow chat transcripts and file downloads
  • Work with prechat and post-chat surveys
  • Embed a chat widget in a portal
  • Use proactive chat
Create smart assist solutions in Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Work with Microsoft Adaptive Cards
Build a smart assist bot
Integrate a smart assist bot with Omnichannel for Customer Service

Get started with Customer Service Insights
  • Configure Customer Service Insights
  • Use Customer Service Analytics dashboards in Power BI
  • Discover Customer Service Insights dashboards
  • Discover Knowledge search analytics
Create visualizations for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Create and use charts
  • Create dashboards for Customer Service
  • Use Power BI to view Customer Service data
Get started with Connected Customer Service for Dynamics 365 and Azure IoT
  • Choose a deployment type
  • Install Connected Customer Service
  • Customer assets and IoT alerts
Register and manage devices with Connected Customer Service for Dynamics 365 and Azure IoT
  • Generate alerts from IoT devices
  • Device management and interaction
  • Create and send commands to IoT devices
Create custom apps for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Create Power Apps for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
  • Deploy a self-service portal for Customer Service
  • Customize case management
Integrate a Power Virtual Agents bot with Omnichannel for Customer Service
  • Create an Azure Active Directory application
  • Configure the Power Virtual Agents bot
  • Configure Omnichannel for Customer Service


Jetzt online buchen

  • 26.08.-29.08.2024 26.08.2024 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.485,-
      • Online
  • 18.11.-21.11.2024 18.11.2024 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.485,-
      • Online
  • 10.03.-13.03.2025 10.03.2025 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.485,-
      • Online
  • 02.06.-05.06.2025 02.06.2025 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.485,-
      • Online
  • 25.08.-28.08.2025 25.08.2025 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.485,-
      • Online
  • 24.11.-27.11.2025 24.11.2025 4T 4 Tage Online
    von Ihrem Computer Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  2.485,-
      • Online

Preise exkl. MwSt.

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