Logo IBM System Z

Fundamental System Skills in z/OS


Inhalt des Trainings

This course is designed to teach students the fundamental practical skills to navigate and work in a z/OS environment. This includes the use of ISPF/PDF dialogs, TSO/E commands, JCL, UNIX System Services shell and BookManager.

Training Paths that reference this course are:
  • z/OS and System z
  • z/OS Operation and Parallel Sysplex
  • Zielgruppen

    • The intended audience for this class is IT personnel with a theoretical background of z/OS (for example, as taught in ES05) and some general practical IS experience.


    • An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES05) or equivalent on-the-job training


    1. Day 1
      1. Welcome
      2. Unit 1: Review of the z/Architecture and z/OS
      3. Unit 2: An introduction to ISPF, ISPF/PDF, and RACF
      4. Exercise 1: System familiarization
      5. Unit 3: Working with ISPF/PDF (Part 1)
      6. Exercise 2: Allocate new data sets
    2. Day 2
      1. Review/wrap up
      2. Unit 3: Working with ISPF/PDF (Part 2)
      3. Exercise 3: ISPF editor primary commands
      4. Exercise 4: ISPF editor line command
      5. Exercise 5: Copy/move/rename/delete data sets and members
      6. Exercise 6: Data set lists
      7. Unit 4: Working with TSO/E
      8. Exercise 7: Using TSO/E commands
    3. Day 3
      1. Review/wrap up
      2. Unit 5: Working with JCL
      3. Exercise 8: Submit a job
      4. Exercise 9: JCL exercises
      5. Exercise 10: Procedures (Part 1)
    4. Day 4
      1. Review/wrap up
      2. Unit 6: Working with UNIX System Services
      3. Exercise 10: Procedures (Part 2)
      4. Exercise 11: ISHELL and hierarchical file system



    Ab  4.265,-*

    *Preis pro Teilnehmer*in ohne Zusatzoptionen, exkl. MwSt.

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