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zOS JCL and Utilities


Inhalt des Trainings

This course is designed to teach you how to use z/OS job control language (JCL) and selected z/OS utility programs in an online batch environment. Both Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) and non-SMS JCL are discussed. Machine lab exercises complement the lecture material.

Training Paths that reference this course are:
  • z/OS and System z
  • z/OS Operation and Parallel Sysplex
  • Zielgruppen

    • people who want to use z/OS JCL and utilities.


    • Basic knowledge of IS technologies.
    • You should be familiar with:
    • z/OS concepts and how these systems supports the Enterprise Servers.
    • This knowledge can be obtained by attending course An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES05G).


    1. Code basic JCL statements using proper syntax and coding rules, including JCL for:
      1. Creating new data sets
      2. Referencing existing data sets
      3. Condition code testing
      4. IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF constructs
      5. Generation data groups
      6. Output routing
      7. JCL enhancements introduced by various releases of Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS), OS/390, and z/OS
    2. Identify Storage Management Subsystem requirements
    3. Code instream and cataloged procedures
    4. Use symbolic parameters in procedures
    5. Code procedure overrides and additions super
    6. Use selected utility programs
    7. Describe tape processing facilities
    8. Code sort and merge control statements and associated JCL statements
    9. Recognize and resolve common abnormal terminations (ABENDs)



    Ab  4.265,-*

    *Preis pro Teilnehmer*in ohne Zusatzoptionen, exkl. MwSt.

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