Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions

DevOps-Know-how ausbauen und Prozesse erfolgreich umsetzen

12 Monate

Wichtige Information

Dieses Training behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Microsoft Examen: AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions

Mögliche Zertifizierung: Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer


Inhalt des Trainings

Dieses Training vermittelt die Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten zur Entwicklung und Umsetzung von DevOps-Prozessen und -praktiken. Die Trainingteilnehmer*innen lernen, wie sie DevOps planen, Quellcodeverwaltung verwenden, Git für ein Unternehmen skalieren, Artefakte konsolidieren, eine Strategie für das Abhängigkeitsmanagement entwerfen, Geheimnisse verwalten, Continuous-Integration-Ansätze und eine Strategie zum Erstellen von Containern implementieren, eine Releasestrategie entwerfen, einen Releaseverwaltungsworkflow einrichten, ein Bereitstellungsmuster implementieren und Feedbackmechanismen optimieren.


Die Teilnehmer dieses Trainings sind daran interessiert, DevOps-Prozesse zu entwerfen und zu implementieren oder die Zertifizierungsprüfung für Microsoft Azure DevOps-Lösungen abzulegen.


  • Cloud Computing-Konzepte, einschließlich eines Verständnisses von PaaS-, SaaS- und IaaS-Implementierungen.
  • Erfahrung in Bezug auf Azure-Verwaltung und Azure-Entwicklung mit nachgewiesenen Kenntnissen in mindestens einem dieser Bereiche
  • Kenntnisse in Bezug auf Versionskontrolle, agile Softwareentwicklung und die wichtigsten Prinzipien der Softwareentwicklung Es wäre hilfreich, wenn Sie Erfahrung in einem Unternehmen hätten, das Software liefert. 


Introduction to DevOps
  • What is DevOps?
  • Explore the DevOps journey
  • Identify transformation teams
  • Explore shared goals and define timelines
Plan Agile with GitHub Projects and Azure Boards
  • Introduction to GitHub Projects and Project boards
  • Introduction to Azure Boards
  • Link GitHub to Azure Boards
  • Configure GitHub Projects
  • Manage work with GitHub Project boards
  • Customize Project views
  • Collaborate using team discussions
  • Agile Plan and Portfolio Management with Azure Boards
Manage Git branches and workflows
  • Explore branch workflow types
  • Explore feature branch workflow
  • Explore Git branch model for continuous delivery
  • Explore GitHub flow
  • Explore fork workflow
  • Version Control with Git in Azure Repos
Collaborate with pull requests in Azure Repos
  • Collaborate with pull requests
  • Examine GitHub mobile for pull request approvals
Explore Git hooks
  • Introduction
  • Introduction to Git hooks
  • Implement Git hooks
Plan foster inner source
  • Explore foster inner source
  • Implement the fork workflow
  • Describe inner source with forks
Manage Git repositories
  • Work with large repositories
  • Purge repository data
  • Manage releases with GitHub Repos
  • Automate release notes with GitHub
Identify technical debt
  • Examine code quality
  • Examine complexity and quality metrics
  • Introduction to technical debt
  • Measure and manage technical debt
  • Introduction to GitHub Advanced Security
  • Integrate other code quality tools
  • Plan effective code reviews
Explore Azure Pipelines
  • Explore the concept of pipelines in DevOps
  • Describe Azure Pipelines
  • Understand Azure Pipelines key terms
Manage Azure Pipeline agents and pools
  • Choose between Microsoft-hosted versus self-hosted agents
  • Explore job types
  • Introduction to agent pools
  • Explore predefined agent pool
  • Understand typical situations for agent pools
  • Communicate with Azure Pipelines
  • Communicate to deploy to target servers
  • Examine other considerations
  • Describe security of agent pool
  • Configure agent pools and understand pipeline styles
Describe pipelines and concurrency
  • Understand parallel jobs
  • Estimate parallel jobs
  • Describe Azure Pipelines and open-source projects
  • Explore Azure Pipelines and Visual Designer
  • Describe Azure Pipelines and YAML
  • Enable Continuous Integration with Azure Pipelines
Implement a pipeline strategy
  • Configure agent demands
  • Implement multi-agent builds
  • Explore source control types supported by Azure Pipelines
Integrate with Azure Pipelines
  • Describe the anatomy of a pipeline
  • Understand the pipeline structure
  • Detail templates
  • Explore YAML resources
  • Use multiple repositories in your pipeline3
Introduction to GitHub Actions
  • What are actions?
  • Explore Actions flow
  • Understand Workflows
  • Describe standard workflow syntax elements
  • Explore Events
  • Explore Jobs
  • Explore Runners
  • Examine release and test an action
Learn continuous integration with GitHub Actions
  • Describe continuous integration with actions
  • Examine environment variables
  • Share artifacts between jobs
  • Examine Workflow badges
  • Describe best practices for creating actions
  • Mark releases with Git tags
  • Create encrypted secrets
  • Use secrets in a workflow
  • Implement GitHub Actions for CI/CD
Design a container build strategy
  • Examine structure of containers
  • Work with Docker containers
  • Understand Dockerfile core concepts
  • Examine multi-stage dockerfiles
  • Examine considerations for multiple stage builds
  • Explore Azure container-related services
  • Deploy Docker containers to Azure App Service web apps
Create a release pipeline
  • Describe Azure DevOps release pipeline capabilities
  • Explore release pipelines
  • Explore artifact sources
  • Choose the appropriate artifact source
  • Exercise - select an artifact source
  • Examine considerations for deployment to stages
  • Exercise - set up stages
  • Explore build and release tasks
  • Explore custom build and release tasks
  • Explore release jobs
  • Configure Pipelines as Code with YAML
Explore release recommendations
  • Understand the delivery cadence and three types of triggers
  • Explore release approvals
  • Explore release gates
  • Use release gates to protect quality
  • Explore GitOps release strategy and recommendations
  • Control Deployments using Release Gates
Provision and test environments
  • Provision and configure target environments
  • Exercise - set up service connections
  • Configure automated integration and functional test automation
  • Understand Shift-left
  • Set up and run availability tests
  • Explore Azure Load Testing
  • Set up and run functional tests
Manage and modularize tasks and templates
  • Examine task groups
Automate inspection of health
  • Automate inspection of health
  • Explore events and notifications
  • Explore service hooks
  • Exercise - set up service hooks to monitor the pipeline
  • Configure Azure DevOps notifications
  • Configure GitHub notifications
  • Explore how to measure quality of your release process
  • Examine release notes and documentation
  • Examine considerations for choosing release management tools
  • Explore common release management tools
Introduction to deployment patterns
  • Explore microservices architecture
  • Examine classical deployment patterns
  • Understand modern deployment patterns
Implement blue-green deployment and feature toggles
  • What is blue-green deployment?
  • Explore deployment slots
  • Exercise - set up a blue-green deployment
  • Introduction to feature toggles
  • Describe feature toggle maintenance
Implement canary releases and dark launching
  • Explore canary releases
  • Examine traffic manager
  • Understand dark launching
Implement A/B testing and progressive exposure deployment
  • What is A/B testing?
  • Explore CI-CD with deployment rings
Integrate with identity management systems
  • Integrate GitHub with single sign-on (SSO)
  • Explore service principals
  • Explore Managed Identity
Manage application configuration data
  • Rethink application configuration data
  • Explore separation of concerns
  • Understand external configuration store patterns
  • Introduction to Azure App Configuration
  • Examine Key-value pairs
  • Examine App configuration feature management
  • Integrate Azure Key Vault with Azure Pipelines
  • Manage secrets, tokens and certificates
  • Examine DevOps inner and outer loop
  • Integrate Azure Key Vault with Azure DevOps
  • Enable Dynamic Configuration and Feature Flags
Explore infrastructure as code and configuration management
  • Explore environment deployment
  • Examine environment configuration
  • Understand imperative versus declarative configuration
  • Understand idempotent configuration
Create Azure resources using Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Why use Azure Resource Manager templates?
  • Explore template components
  • Manage dependencies
  • Modularize templates
  • Manage secrets in templates
Implement Bicep
  • What is Bicep?
  • Install Bicep
  • Understand Bicep file structure and syntax
  • Deployments using Azure Bicep templates
Create Azure resources by using Azure CLI
  • What is Azure CLI?
  • Work with Azure CLI
Explore Azure Automation with DevOps
  • Create automation accounts
  • What is a runbook?
  • Understand automation shared resources
  • Explore runbook gallery
  • Examine webhooks
  • Explore source control integration
  • Explore PowerShell workflows
  • Create a workflow
  • Explore hybrid management
  • Examine checkpoint and parallel processing
Implement Desired State Configuration (DSC)
  • Understand configuration drift
  • Explore Desired State Configuration (DSC)
  • Explore Azure Automation State configuration (DSC)
  • Examine DSC configuration file
  • Implement DSC and Linux Automation on Azure
Introduction to Secure DevOps
  • Describe SQL injection attack
  • Understand DevSecOps
  • Explore Secure DevOps Pipeline
  • Explore key validation points
  • Explore continuous security validation
  • Understand threat modeling
  • Explore CodeQL in GitHub
Implement open-source software
  • Explore how software is built
  • What is open-source software?
  • Explore corporate concerns with open-source software components
  • Introduction to open-source licenses
  • Explore common open-source licenses
  • Examine license implications and ratings
Software Composition Analysis
  • Inspect and validate code bases for compliance
  • Explore software composition analysis (SCA)
  • Implement GitHub Dependabot alerts and security updates
  • Integrate software composition analysis checks into pipelines
  • Examine tools for assess package security and license rate
  • Automate container scanning, including container images
  • Interpret alerts from scanner tools
Security Monitoring and Governance
  • Implement pipeline security
  • Explore Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Examine Microsoft Defender for Cloud usage scenarios
  • Explore Azure Policy
  • Understand policies
  • Explore initiatives
  • Explore resource locks
  • Understand Microsoft Defender for Identity
  • Integrate GitHub Advanced Security with Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Configure GitHub Advanced Security for GitHub and Azure DevOps
Explore package dependencies
  • What is dependency management?
  • Describe elements of a dependency management strategy
  • Identify dependencies
  • Understand source and package componentization
  • Decompose your system
  • Scan your codebase for dependencies
Understand package management
  • Explore packages
  • Understand package feeds
  • Explore package feed managers
  • Explore common public package sources
  • Explore self-hosted and SaaS based package sources
  • Consume packages
  • Introduction to Azure Artifacts
  • Publish packages
  • Package management with Azure Artifacts
Migrate consolidate and secure artifacts
  • Identify existing artifact repositories
  • Migrate and integrating artifact repositories
  • Secure access to package feeds
  • Examine roles
  • Examine permissions
  • Examine authentication
Implement a versioning strategy
  • Understand versioning of artifacts
  • Explore semantic versioning
  • Examine release views
  • Promote packages
Introduction to GitHub Packages
  • Publish packages
  • Install a package
  • Delete and restore a package
  • Explore package access control and visibility
Implement tools to track usage and flow
  • Understand the inner loop
  • Introduction to continuous monitoring
  • Explore Azure Monitor and Log Analytics
  • Examine Kusto Query Language (KQL)
  • Explore Application Insights
  • Implement Application Insights
Develop monitor and status dashboards
  • Configure monitoring in GitHub
  • Explore Azure Dashboards
  • Explore Azure Monitor workbooks
  • Explore Power BI
  • Build your own custom application
  • Monitor pipeline health, including failure rate, duration, and flaky tests
  • Optimize a pipeline for cost, time, performance, and reliability
  • Optimize pipeline concurrency for performance and cost
Share knowledge within teams
  • Share acquired knowledge within development teams
  • Introduction to Azure DevOps project wikis
  • Integrate with Azure Boards
  • Share team knowledge using Azure Project Wiki
Design processes to automate application analytics
  • Explore rapid responses and augmented search
  • Integrate telemetry
  • Examine monitoring tools and technologies
  • Explore IT Service Management Connector
Manage alerts, blameless retrospectives and a just culture
  • Examine when to get a notification
  • Explore how to fix it
  • Explore smart detection notifications
  • Improve performance
  • Understand server response time degradation
  • Reduce meaningless and non-actionable alerts
  • Examine blameless retrospective
  • Develop a just culture

Trainings zur Vorbereitung


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  • 14.10.-18.10.2024 14.10.2024 5T 5 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.155,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
    • Preis  2.990,-
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      • Online
  • 02.12.-06.12.2024 02.12.2024 5T 5 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.155,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
    • Preis  2.990,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
  • 03.03.-07.03.2025 03.03.2025 5T 5 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.155,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
    • Preis  2.990,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
  • 02.06.-06.06.2025 02.06.2025 5T 5 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.155,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
    • Preis  2.990,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
  • 18.08.-22.08.2025 18.08.2025 5T 5 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.155,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
    • Preis  2.990,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
  • 17.11.-21.11.2025 17.11.2025 5T 5 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Listenpreis inkl. Prüfung  3.155,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
    • Preis  2.990,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online

Preise exkl. MwSt.

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6 Bewertungen

  • 15.09.2023

    War sehr angenehm, Trainer war sehr motiviert.

    — Michal G.

    Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions


    War sehr angenehm, Trainer war sehr motiviert.

    — Michal G.
  • 20.07.2021

    Sehr gute Vorbereitung für die AZ-400 Zertifizierung

    — Bernhard P.

    Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions


    Sehr gute Vorbereitung für die AZ-400 Zertifizierung

    — Bernhard P.
  • 25.06.2021

    Christian Nagel war sehr und hat auch den Inhalt gut transportiert!

    — Jonas S.

    Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions


    Christian Nagel war sehr und hat auch den Inhalt gut transportiert!

    — Jonas S.

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