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Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads

12 Monate

Inhalt des Trainings

In diesem Training lernen IT-Experten mit Erfahrung in SAP-Lösungen, wie sie Azure-Ressourcen nutzen können, einschließlich Bereitstellung und Konfiguration von virtuellen Computern, virtuellen Netzwerken, Speicherkonten und Azure AD, sowie der Implementierung und Verwaltung hybrider Identitäten.
Die Teilnehmer*innen dieses Trainings lernen anhand von Konzepten, Szenarien, Verfahren und praktischen Übungen, wie sie Migration und Betrieb einer SAP-Lösung in Azure am besten planen und implementieren können. Sie erhalten Anleitungen zu Abonnements, erstellen und skalieren virtuelle Computer, implementieren Speicherlösungen, konfigurieren virtuelle Netzwerke, sichern Daten und geben sie frei, verbinden Azure und lokale Standorte, verwalten den Netzwerkdatenverkehr, implementieren Azure Active Directory, schützen Identitäten und überwachen Ihre Lösung.


Dieses Training richtet sich an Azure-Administrator*innen, die SAP-Lösungen zu Azure migrieren und verwalten. Azure-Administratoren verwalten die Clouddienste für die Bereiche Speicher, Netzwerk und Computing der Cloud und verfügen über umfassende Kenntnisse in Bezug auf die einzelnen Dienste und den gesamten IT-Lebenszyklus. Sie nehmen Anfragen von Endbenutzern zu neuen Cloudanwendungen entgegen und geben Empfehlungen zu Diensten, die zur Erzielung einer optimalen Leistung und Skalierung verwendet werden sollten, sowie ggf. zur Bereitstellung, Dimensionierung, Überwachung und Anpassung dieser Dienste. Diese Rolle erfordert die Kommunikation und Koordination mit Anbietern. Azure-Administrator*innen verwenden das Azure-Portal. Mit zunehmender Kompetenz verwenden sie PowerShell und die Befehlszeilenschnittstelle.


Vor der Teilnahme an diesem Kurs sollten die Teilnehmer über Folgendes verfügen:
  • Praktische Erfahrung mit Azure IaaS- und PaaS-Lösungen, einschließlich VM, VNet, Lastenausgleich, Speicher (Blob, Dateien, Datenträger)
  • Kenntnisse lokaler und Cloudvirtualisierungstechnologien, z. B. VMs, virtuelle Netzwerke und virtuelle Festplatten
  • Verständnis der Netzwerkkonfiguration, einschließlich TCP/IP, Domain Name System (DNS), virtuellen privaten Netzwerken (VPNs), Firewalls und Verschlüsselungstechnologien
  • Grundlegendes Verständnis von Active Directory-Konzepten
  • Erfahrung mit Linux-/Unix-Umgebungen
  • Solide Kenntnisse über SAP-Anwendungen, SAP HANA, S/4HANA, SAP NetWeaver, SAP BW, OS Server für SAP -Anwendungen und Datenbanken
  • Verständnis der SAP HANA-Bereitstellung und -Konfiguration
  • Praktische Erfahrung mit der SAP HANA-Verwaltung  
  • Kenntnisse zu SAP-Produkten wie SAP HANA oder SAP NetWeaver


Explore Azure for SAP workloads
  • Discover the SAP and Microsoft partnership
  • Explore your options with SAP on Azure
  • Evaluate Microsoft components
Discover common terms and meanings for SAP on Azure
  • Discover common terms and meanings: SAP
  • Discover common terms and meanings: SAP deployments on Azure
  • Discover common terms and meanings: Azure
Identify SAP-certified configurations
  • Explore general prerequisites for SAP support in public cloud environments
  • Identify deployment options for SAP solutions on Azure
  • Discover supported Azure virtual machines for SAP products on Windows and Linux
  • Discover supported Azure virtual machines for SAP NetWeaver instances
  • Discover SAP-certified operating systems for Azure virtual machines
  • Discover SAP certifications and configurations running on Microsoft Azure
Examine SAP NetWeaver with AnyDB on Azure virtual machines
  • Explore SAP NetWeaver with AnyDB on Azure virtual machines
  • Recognize architectural components
  • Examine a sample functional workflow
Examine SAP S/4HANA on Azure virtual machines
  • Explore SAP S/4HANA on Azure virtual machines
  • Recognize architectural components
  • Examine a sample functional workflow
Explore Azure for SAP compute
  • Plan for implementing SAP solutions
  • Explore Azure virtual machines (VMs)
  • Examine constrained vCPU capable virtual machine sizes
  • Scale Azure virtual machines
  • Examine Azure virtual machine scaling considerations
  • Explore network bandwidth allocation
  • Explore data flows
  • Examine Azure virtual machine compute considerations
  • Implement and verify high availability SAP HANA on Azure virtual machines
Explore Azure for SAP networking
  • Explore Azure virtual networks
  • Consider IP addressing
  • Explore name resolution
  • Explore accelerated networking
  • Explore Azure load balancer
  • Examine Azure virtual machine networking considerations
  • Examine load balancing considerations
  • Explore Azure Traffic Manager
  • Explore Azure Front Door
  • Explore Azure Firewall
  • Consider networking changes for Azure virtual machines
  • Examine Azure routing configurations
  • Explore virtual network connectivity
  • Explore Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) protection options
  • Examine the virtual datacenter
  • Explore cross-premises connectivity
  • Explore SAProuter
  • Examine networking support of Azure for SAP workloads
Explore Azure for SAP storage
  • Explore Azure Storage types
  • Explore Azure Files
  • Examine Azure virtual machine disks
  • Recognize virtual machine images and disks
  • Explore managed and unmanaged disks
  • Explore caching for virtual machines and data disks
  • Explore Write Accelerator
  • Examine general database sizing
  • Examine Azure virtual machine storage considerations
  • Examine SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering 2.0
  • Explore Azure virtual machine disks best practices
  • Explore Azure virtual machine NFS storage
  • Explore Azure virtual machine SMB storage
  • Examine SAP HANA Azure virtual machine storage configurations
  • Explore solutions with Premium Storage and Azure Write Accelerator for Azure M-Series virtual machines
  • Explore Azure Ultra disk storage configuration for SAP HANA
  • Explore NFS v4.1 volumes on Azure NetApp Files
  • Examine sizing for HANA databases on Azure NetApp Files
Explore Azure for SAP databases
  • Introduction
  • Explore database support of Azure for SAP workloads
  • Explore SQL Server
  • Consider database compression
  • Store database files directly on Azure Blob Storage
  • Explore Azure Virtual Machine security
  • Consider security recommendations for Blob storage
  • Apply SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption
  • Explore the SQL Server 2014 Buffer Pool Extension
  • Examine Oracle recommendations
Explore identity services for SAP on Azure
  • Explore Azure virtual machine authentication, authorization, and access control
  • Explore Microsoft Entra ID
  • Explore SAP Cloud Platform Identity authentication
  • Integrate Microsoft Entra ID with SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication
  • Integrate Microsoft Entra ID with SAP Fiori
  • Integrate Microsoft Entra ID with SAP HANA
  • Integrate Microsoft Entra ID with SAP NetWeaver
  • Integrate Active Directory with SAP single sign-on (Kerberos-SPNEGO)
  • Discover Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
  • Explore primary scenarios using Active Directory Domain Services and Azure virtual machines
  • Discover Microsoft Entra Domain Services (Microsoft Entra Domain Services)
  • Integrate Linux with Active Directory Domain Services
Explore remote management for SAP on Azure
  • Consider remote management of Azure virtual machines
  • Set up the Azure connector for SAP Landscape Management
  • Explore access management
  • Explore Azure Bastion
  • Examine just-in-time (JIT) virtual machine access
Explore governance and manageability for SAP on Azure
  • Explore Azure Resource Manager
  • Examine Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Explore the Azure Resource Manager template structure and schema
  • Examine role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Organize Azure resources with tags
  • Explore Azure Policy
  • Explore management groups
  • Explore Azure Automation
  • Explore security and compliance services
Deploy single-instance implementations of SAP on Azure (2-tier and 3-tier)
  • Explore deployment methodologies
  • Deploy via Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Manually install single-instance SAP HANA on Azure virtual machines
  • Prepare Azure virtual machines for a manual installation of SAP HANA
  • Discover key steps for SAP HANA installation using SAP SWPM
  • Discover key steps for SAP HANA installation using HDBLCM
  • Implement SAP HANA scale-out
Implement high availability in SAP NetWeaver with AnyDB on Azure virtual machines
  • Implement high availability in SAP NetWeaver with AnyDB on Azure virtual machines
  • Examine single SID 3-tier SAP NetWeaver high availability AnyDB deployment
  • Examine multi-SID 3-tier SAP NetWeaver high availability AnyDB deployment
  • Set the required DNS IP addresses
  • Add registry entries on both cluster nodes of the SAP ASCS-SCS instance
  • Set up a Windows Server failover cluster for an SAP ASCS-SCS instance
  • Install SIOS DataKeeper Cluster Edition for the SAP ASCS-SCS cluster shared disk
  • Implement a highly available NFS share
Implement high availability for SAP workloads in Azure
  • Explore high availability and disaster recovery support of Azure for SAP workloads
  • Explore high availability of SAP workloads
  • Examine failover clustering
  • Explore deployment scenarios
  • Explore high availability of SAP application servers
  • Explore high availability of SAP ASCS-SCS instances
  • Examine high availability of DBMS instances
  • Explore SAP HANA availability
  • Explore SQL Server high availability for SAP in Azure
  • Explore Oracle high availability for SAP in Azure
  • Examine high availability capabilities of Azure infrastructure
  • Understand service-level agreements
  • Explore Availability Zones
  • Examine principal architectures
  • Determine latency between Azure virtual machines across Availability Zones
  • Explore the Active/Active deployment scenario
  • Explore the Active/Passive deployment scenario
  • Configure combined high availability and disaster recovery
Implement disaster recovery for SAP workloads in Azure
  • Explore disaster recovery of SAP workloads
  • Explore simple availability between two Azure regions
  • Combine availability within one region and across regions
  • Explore site recovery
  • Implement disaster recovery for SAP deployments across Azure regions with Azure Site Recovery
  • Set up disaster recovery for a multi-tier SAP NetWeaver app deployment (in Azure)
  • Replicate Azure virtual machines running in Proximity Placement Groups to another region
  • Set up disaster recovery for Active Directory and DNS
Perform backups and restores for SAP workloads on Azure
  • Explore backup and restore of Azure virtual machines
  • Examine application-consistent backup of Azure Linux virtual machines
  • Explore application backup
  • Explore database backup
  • Explore SAP HANA backup
  • Implement SAP HANA backup scheduling strategy
  • Explore SAP HANA file-level backups
  • Create SAP HANA snapshot-based backups
  • Explore SQL Server Backup to URL (Azure Storage)
  • Explore SQL Server file-snapshot backups
  • Explore Oracle backup
  • Explore SQL Server backups
  • Set up disaster recovery for SQL Server
Use the planning and deployment checklist for SAP workloads on Azure
  • Examine the SAP workload planning and deployment checklist
  • Explore the project preparation and planning phase
  • Explore the pilot phase
  • Explore the non-production phase
  • Explore the production preparation phase
  • Explore the Go Live phase
  • Explore the post-production phase
Explore migration options for SAP on Azure
  • Analyze strategies for migrating SAP systems to Microsoft Azure
  • Migrate to SAP S/4HANA from SAP Business Suite
  • Compare classical migration with the SAP database migration option (DMO)
  • Analyze the SAP database migration option methodology
  • Explore one-step migration - DMO with system move option
  • Explore two-step migration - lift and shift followed by DMO
  • Explore downtime-optimized DMO
Migrate very large databases (VLDB) to Azure for SAP
  • Explore very large database migration
  • Optimize the source system
  • Optimize the source system - advanced
  • Optimize network upload
  • Optimize the target system
  • Create recommended migration project documents
  • Monitor the migration
  • Examine very large database migration best practices
Explore monitoring requirements of Azure for SAP workloads
  • Explore the monitoring requirements of Azure for SAP workloads
  • Examine monitoring, logging, and alerting services
  • Explore Azure virtual machine monitoring considerations
  • Troubleshoot Azure Enhanced Monitoring for SAP
  • Explore Azure Monitor and Log Analytics
  • Explore SAP HANA alerts
  • Examine diagnostic tools
  • Explore operating system and workload updates for Azure virtual machines
Configure the Azure Enhanced Monitoring Extension for SAP
  • Explore the Azure Enhanced Monitoring Extension for SAP
  • Configure the Azure Enhanced Monitoring Extension for SAP
Explore licensing, pricing, and support for SAP on Azure virtual machines
  • Price Azure virtual machine-based solutions
  • Explore licensing, pricing, and support of Azure for SAP workloads

Trainings zur Vorbereitung


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  • 12.08.-14.08.2024 12.08.2024 3T 3 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  1.965,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
  • 28.10.-30.10.2024 28.10.2024 3T 3 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  1.965,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
  • 10.02.-12.02.2025 10.02.2025 3T 3 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  1.965,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
  • 26.05.-28.05.2025 26.05.2025 3T 3 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  1.965,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
  • 11.08.-13.08.2025 11.08.2025 3T 3 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  1.965,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online
  • 09.12.-11.12.2025 09.12.2025 3T 3 Tage Wien Online
    ETC-Wien · Modecenterstraße 22, Office 4, 5. Stock, 1030 Wien Uhrzeiten
    • Preis  1.965,-
      • Präsenz
      • Online

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